
Showing posts from January, 2020

A scrap of a note

Here is a note, unfinished, found in the chambers that most likely belonged to Jerribeth the Glabrezu Demon, 'sister' to Arueshalae the succubus. No, I don't know what 'sister' means in the context of demons.  Arueshalae isn't talking about it, either, and seems ashamed of the entire affair.

And some time passes, in the World Wound

Dear Reader, I must apologize for the interruption of narration.  YHN had a string of bad fortune; his second-best pen ran out of ink, and several of the pixels in his transcription machine's video device suddenly and without warning became trapezoidal instead of the expected square shapes, which completely ruined his viewing experience. Our Heroes dicked around in the World Wound for a couple of weeks, is the long and the short of it, meeting druids and not one but two purveyors of used organs.  They fought demons and the undead, explored a tomb of Antwon's lost familial line, and even, dare I say, learned an important lesson about trust and love. Maybe not that last thing so much, now that I review my notes. They freed the succubus Arueshalae from the stand-off she was facing with a Hag Assassin and Friends (coming soon to Disney Plus!) and assaulted the Ivory Sanctum, culminating in an Epic Battle with Xanthir Vang - a man made out of maggots and spite (Maggots and Sp...