Kendra Lorrimor Oracle 5 Tier 1

Kendra Lorrimor – Human Oracle of Pharasma – Level 5 / Tier 1 – NG 

ST: 8                            DX: 14                          CN: 12                     HP: 31
IN: 16                           WS: 10                         CH: 22

AC: 20 (Touch: 14   FlatFooted: 18)    Init: +2            BAB: +3          
Saves (F/R/W): +3/+4/+7   Speed 20’    CMD: 14       CMB: +2

Skills:  Heal+7  Knowledge (Nature)+11  Knowledge (Religion)+11         Knowledge (planes)+11    Knowledge (History)+10     Survival+6     Linguistics+10     Perception+4   Sneak+1     Swim-3   
Speaks: Aklo, Common (Taldane), Ancient Orsiriani, Azlanti, Draconic, Celestial, Varisian, Elven, Thassilonian, Abyssal

·         Extra Channel +2 Channel Energy / day
·         Selective Channel: up to 5 people not affected by Channel Energy
·         Oracle: Life Mystery (Channel Energy and Safe Curing revelations)
·         Safe Curing: can cast cure spells without provoking
·         Possessed Curse (-2 to Concentration checks, concentrating to maintain spell duration provokes, roll twice and take best vs possession or domination)
·         Fateful Channel: Channeling gives each creature healed a reroll on a d20 within 6 rnds
·         Iron Will: +2 to Will saves
·         Hard to Kill: Can go to double-CN negative and automatically stabilizes
·         Mythic Extra Channel: +2 Channels per day, can burn 2 Mythic Points for a channel
·         Faith’s Reach: Can cast Touch spells with a range of 30’
·         Inspired Spell: standard action, spend 1 MP, cast ANY spell of a good level, at +2 level
·         5 Mythic Points per day

+1 Breastplate, +1 Light X-bow, Light mace. Decent set of clothes, nice boots, cloak of resistance +1
Backpack/Bedroll (Holy book of Pharasma, Holy Symbol, Flint and steel, mess kit, 50’ rope, soap, 10 torches, 5 days rations, waterskin), 3 flasks holy water, 2 CLW potions, CLW wand (32 charges), CLW wand (50 charges), +1 Ring of Protection, moderately fancy outfit.             188 gold in misc coinage
Scrolls: Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary, Remove Fear x2, Cause Fear, Command            

Spells DC 16 + LVL       Per day: /8/6
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Detect Evil, Guidance, Light, Mending, Read Magic
1: Bless, CLW, Comprehend Languages, Detect Evil, Detect Undead, Remove Fear, Shield of Faith
2: PFE Communal, Cure Moderate, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy

Channel Energy:
Standard action, doesn’t provoke, 11/day, Will DC 18 for half in 30’, 3d6 heal, or 3d6 dam (to undead)

Combat: Light Mace: +2 d6-1 20 x2     +1 Light X-Bow: +6 d8 19-20 x2


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