Some notes on Sihedron Shards

Sheila Heidmarch has given you a small pouch of Ioun stones, and a note summarizing her researches into the Sihedron Rune and the Sihedron Shards that make it up.

There are 7 shards that the Sihedron Rune artifact broke apart into, one for each Sin.  Sins here correspond to schools of magic, mostly.  Each shard should have an affinity for the next.  Each shard is cursed, but connecting the correct Ioun stone should mitigate the curse (and activate the powers of the shard).  Each is a major artifact - the way to destroy them is by connecting the seven shards into the Sihedron Rune.  Sheila's not sure where to go from there - she's got more research to do.  She'll get back to you; if you find any Thassilonian texts that could help her researches.

The Sihedron rune is thought to be quite powerful, as both a symbol of office of the High Archmage Xin, and a focus of much of his magical energies.

Each shard also resonates with the 'next' shard in the Sihedron Rune; once the Shard is activated the bearer can sense where the next Shard is located.

You currently have the Shard of Envy.  It was activated with a Dusty Rose Prism Ioun stone.  The next shard is Lust.  In the next few days, Torvan will start to have dream-images: A statue of a beautiful woman, holding aloft a magic torch.  SOMEONE will be able to identify that as The Lady's Light:

A statue 50 miles south of Magnimar.  Kind of difficult to get to because of swamps and reefs, though.

Now for some theory.  If Antwon wasn't asleep before he will be now.

Thassilonian magic is a bit different than our modern arcane traditions.  Every practitioner of Thassilonian Arcane Magic (or Sin Magic in the later parlance) focuses on one Sin - gaining bonus spells with that form of magic, but blocked out of two other schools.  Each school of magic that we have in our modern system corresponds to a Sin in Thassilonian magic - except for Divination, which was easier (and looked down on) back before the Death of Prophecy.

Here are the Sins; the Virtues which they fell from, the school of magic that each represents, and the Ioun stone needed to activate each shard:

Envy / Grace: Abjuration (forbidden: evocation and necromancy).  Dusty Rose Prism.

Lust / Love: Enchantment (forbidden: necromancy and transmutation).  Amber Spindle.

Pride / Humility: Illusion (forbidden: transmutation and conjuration).  Scarlet and Blue Sphere.

Wrath / Kindness: Evocation (forbidden: conjuration and abjuration).  Deep red sphere.

Gluttony / Temperance: Necromancy (forbidden: abjuration and enchantment).  Pink Rhomboid.

Greed / Charity: Transmutation (forbidden: enchantment and illusion).  Pale blue rhomboid.

Sloth / Zeal: Conjuration (forbidden: illusion and evocation).  Incandescent Blue sphere.

So that means you have 6 Ioun stones in a bag.  They are slotless items, so as long as the bonuses stack you can have more than one of them in play; but to get the benefit you either need to have them orbiting your head, or implanted in a Sihedron Shard (like the Envy shard Torvan carries - gives +1 to AC from the Ioun stone).

Here's what the other 6 do:

Dusty Rose Prism: already installed in the Sihedron Shard of Envy. (+1 insight bonus to AC).

Amber Spindle: +1 resistance bonus to Saves.

Scarlet and Blue Sphere: +2 insight bonus to any Knowledge skill checks.

Deep red sphere: +4 Competence bonus to Initiative.

Pink Rhomboid: +10 temporary hit points (renewed each day).

Pale blue rhomboid: +1 Competence bonus to Hit and Damage with weapons.

Incandescent Blue sphere: +2 Insight bonus to Sense Motive and Perception checks.

The Sihedron Shard of Envy is made of shimmering green Noqal (a kind of skymetal, that looks like crystal but can be worked like iron, with antimagic properties).  Besides the +1 insight bonus to AC, +2 insight to saves vs. Abjuration spells and spell-like abilities, and can be used to cast Dispel Magic once a day as a caster of the current holder's level.


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