House Rules, as they come

Besides the standard things we play with - rolling initiative every round, first potion is a swift action that provokes - here's some more.  I'll update this, periodically, as we come up with more.

There are no stat-boosting items, and spells don't affect stats.  For example, Enlarge just embiggens someone - they weapon gets bigger and does more damage, and they get reach - they don't get any change to ST or DX.  That'll keep some of the on-the-fly math down as we get more levels.

In response we'll get a bonus Stat point each even level (instead of every four levels).

Death is not the End, necessarily: when the dice fall against us and we start our journey down the Black River from which none emerge, we can instead hover unconscious and reviveable.  When this happens you lose a stat point permanently - of your choice, with a cool story (ringing in your ears, severed finger, nasty scar - come up with something cool).  You can, of course, choose instead to make a new character, which will be at the same level/tier as the rest of the party.


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