A funeral and a first assault of Thistletop

Our group's long long day continues, first at the Jail and a conversation with Shalelu in front of Tsuto and some goblins, and then with Tsuto about his fucked up family life and miserable experience growing up, and then with Mayor Deverin, about many of the same topics.  There was a modicum of Skull-Duggery too, but no new beans were to be had, it seems.  Nod the monk finds that perhaps eating so many grapes disagrees with his stomach, and retires to a room in the Lorrimor house, to be tended to by Bettina the maid.

Sandpoint has its share of sad fucked up human misery for sure.  That's made more apparent when our Heroes meet with Father Zantus and hear more about Nualia's rough childhood too.  It's like I've always said - life's hard when you're one of the Pretty People.

No wait - I've never said that.  Your Humble Narrator is significantly glad to be Of The Pretty - YHN is CERTAINLY appreciative not to be born into one of those Uggos families where everyone just looks a little odd.

Anyway.  A plan is devised to talk to the other priests about how a different body was buried in place of Nualia, but as it was late, and getting dark, and the party had had a Very Long Day indeed, they decided to get some sleep before the funeral of Petros Lorrimor on the morrow.

Not before looting a crypt, though!  Petros Lorrimor's journal suggested that one of the ancient Crypts in the Sandpoint Boneyard contained an ancient cache of treasures from long-forgotten priests of Pharasma - and so it does!  It's not grave robbing if there was no body to begin with, justifies the party to itself.

The next day, dawn breaks with a hint of the chill soon to come; September is a time to prepare for winter.  The funeral proceedings are interrupted by some of the seedier members of town - Gibbs Hephenus eggs several Sandpointers on to prevent 'Th-th-that N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nEcromancer from being buried in our g-g-g-ggraveyard.  Just t-t-t-t-t-take him up the road, M-missy, to the Pauper's g-g-g-graves, if y'y'y'you know what's best for you."  But the party's heroics in helping fend off the goblins, and some quick thinking and smooth talking, de-escalates the situation, and the funeral and burial happens apiece.

As the party files out of the graveyard back to the Lorrimor house, a giant 'V' is painted on the side of the new Cathedral.  Father Zantus is right freaked-out, but the party agrees that, while ominous, that is not anything that they can worry about right now.  They have Goblins to Slay!

And slay they do.  Shalelu and Kendra Lorrimor both accompany our Heroes to the strange island of Thistletop, 60 feet off the Lost Coast and accessed through a thicket maze of thorns and brambles.  Goblin Dogs, Goblins from the Birdcruncher tribe, and a Goblin Druid with his Firepelt Cougar companion - none pose much difficulty for our Band of Heroes.  Maybe the Druid, but he vanishes into the briars, escaping the party with ease.  Three goblins in a watch tower are also dispatched handily, with missile fire.

Vig and Nelson almost fall into the water when the rope bridge collapses, but Nelson jumps backwards and Vig grabs the one remaining rope just in time to arrest his fall to the churning water 80 feet below.  The party uses a second rope to cross safely, except for Nelson the Wolf, who stays back and pines for his Antoine.

The Ninja and the Thief begin to explore the complex, when Gogmort the Goblin Druid reappears and strikes Nelson!  Missile fire, once again, is the solution to  life's problems; the druid is scared off.

The ninja, at this point, finds one of the barracks; ten goblins charge and attack!  Our Sneaky Friends manage to run out to where the rest of the party is - and the goblins close and bar the door behind them.  Kand the Dwarf, meanwhile, has studied the fallen bridge and believes he can fix it; an hour of work later and the party has, once again, a working rope-and-board bridge to the mainland.  Antoine and Nelson reunite with much wagging and licking of faces, and as a group another sortie is made into the wooden structure on top of this rock.

Very little of interest is found, outside of some few trinkets, until the party stumbles on a large open room, with a door that's boarded and nailed shut from the outside, and the bodies of four dead goblins around it.  When our heroes start to pry the nails and boards off of the door they hear the sounds of a large beast - perhaps a horse? - but choose to leave it alone for now.

The other room of interest is the throne room of Chief Ripnugget, sitting next to his pet Giant Gecko, apparently waiting for the party to enter.  "Stop right there - let us talk," shouts out the surprisingly well-spoken Goblin Warchief.  Our Sneaky Friends Vig and Torvan sneak into the room while Chief Ripnugget points to Kand the Wizard: "You there - you may approach so we may speak together!"

When Kand is 30' from the throne the trap is sprung!  Several Commandos drop from their hiding places at the top of the pillars holding up the roof of the room; a Warchanter begins his vile Goblin Song, and Chief Ripnugget leaps to the back of his War Gecko!  The fight is long, and several party members fall unconscious, but in the end they emerge victorious and only slightly bloodied.

Perhaps more than 'slightly' bloodied for the Mage and the Ninja, who went toe-to-toe with tough melee foes.

Ripnugget (formerly the chief of the now dead Thistletop Goblin tribe) is taken alive, but the rest of the goblin tribe sails down that dark river which leads only to the sea past memory, past time.

Gathering what loot they can find - and a significant number of Goblin ears for a bounty - the party leaves back for Sandpoint to rest and heal.  Will they return the next day?  Will their Monk friend recover from his bout of intestinal discomfort?  We shall see next week!


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