The Beginning of our Adventure!

Our heroes make their way to Sandpoint for the funeral of their friend/patron/mentor Petros Lorrimor.  They are met by his daughter Kendra Lorrimor, a wizard and associate of Petros named Adivion Adrissant, and a fledgling sorceror named Jaxom Wyandotte.

Kendra's servant Bettina serves dinner just as Jaxom's friends Yaris Molybdenum (dwarven fighter), and sisters Viola and Charmaine duClair (Paladin of Sarenrae and Cleric of Groetus, respectively) enter.  A rousing dinner conversation is had, but after Kendra and Bettina retire Adivion reveals that Petros did not die from an accident, because there was no blood found near him, and his head was crushed suspiciously - specifically, his jaw was pulverized, preventing Speak with Dead - a difficult injury to have been caused by falling bricks.

Hmmmm.... says the party.  Many theories are thrown around, mostly over drinks at the Rusty Dragon where Vig has been employed.  The scene of Petros' death is investigated, which proves inconclusive.

The next morning is the Sandpoint Swallowtail festival!  Lunch is had, games are played, speeches are spoken - but at dusk, just before the temple is consecrated - Goblins attack!  The party fights three waves of goblins - first near the Temple, then in a plaza just south, where goblins set fire to the cart of fuel for the night's bonfire, and then to a third intersection to the east, where goblins are killing the dog of a local Nobleman named Aldern Foxglove.  Antoine is terribly injured and Nelson is laid low and close to death, but the party - and in general, the town of Sandpoint, is victorious over these small nasty and insane invaders!

The city is in shock at this attack - Father Zantus heals the injured and the party is hailed as heroes, but a good dozen of Sandpoint's residents lay dead.  Father Zantus casts a spell to consecrate the temple from a scroll, without ceremony, as the stunned city generally gets some well deserved rest.

That evening the party investigates the cemetery, finding a disturbed unmarked grave, a small mausoleum with a shattered door, and a ladder leaning against the city wall (with a twin on the other side - the obvious way the invaders entered town).  Tracks are followed but lost in the river.

The next day - the town is still somewhat in shock, but three of our heroes are hailed as heroes - as saviors of Sandpoint!  Vig is somehow ignored, mostly, for all of this.  Except by Shayliss Vinder, that is, who throws herself awkwardly at the Nidalese Ninja, leading him to her family's basement for some afternoon delight until caught by her father Ven.  Fortunately, the sneaky Vig is able to sneak away, and meet up with a priest of Desna, who leads Vig down to see the body of Petros Lorrimor - where he confirms the horrific and fatal injuries caused to the august Professor's face.

The next day the party is off for a quick Boar hunt in the Tickwood with Aldern Foxglove (who the party rescued from certain gobliny death!)  And then in the afternoon, the reading of the Will, where our four heroes, the "Flail Sisters" (Jaxom, Yaris, Viola, and Charmaine), Kendra and Bettina, and Adivion, are joined by two other mysterious personages - Areelu Vorlesh, and Alaznist.

Adivion, Areelu, Alaznist, and someone named Aravashniel are given strange small boxes.  Adivion opens his to find a strange curved silvery knife (with runes in Thassilonian reading 'Alderpash').  Alaznist finds a small violet stone inside of hers, which makes her give a small but angry smile.  Adivion opens the box for Areelu, which contains a purple crystal inside, that gives off palpably evil energies - Areelu curses and vanishes.  Very peculiar and wizardly - and Alaznist and Adivion leave soon after, teleporting away together (presumably back to Lepidstadt, where Adivion is the Dean of Students at the University there.

Then, the 'Flail Sisters' are given a small box, a sheet of instructions, and a pouch of money, and leave immediately for a secret assignment in Magnimar.

Bettina is left a pouch of coins, and the entire rest of Petros' holdings are left to Kendra - with the exception of a small chest, which contains several books.  After the lawyer leaves the will reading, our Heroes open to box to find Petros' journal, a separate note tucked inside said journal, and four other books:

On Verified Madness: This black book is a treatise on abberations and other entities with ties to the Dark Tapestry.

Serving Your Hunger: a copy of an Urgothoan unholy text.

The Umbral Leaves: a translation into Taldane of the unholy book of Zon-Kuthon.

The above three books are marked to be delivered to Montagnie Crowl, a professor of Antiquities at Magnimar University.

Additionally, the chest contains The Manual of the Order of the Palatine Eye, locked and sealed, a book with a purple cover and a note saying the book is for Embreth Daramid, a Judge in Magnimar.

Embreth Daramid will also give our Heroes 500 pieces of platinum to share for delivery of said books, as long as the party waits a month, as Petros wishes them to stay for at least that long to help Kendra adjust.

As our Heroes consider what to do next, Kendra tells them they are all welcome and honored guests, and suggests they rest until her father's funeral...

And then her eyes roll back in her head and in a different and gutteral voice she croaks: "Help me - I have not much time - the five must not be released.... please...."

At which point Kendra comes back to herself, and continues about her father's burial which will take place in three days time, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

And here is where the curtain must drop, at least for now.  Exciting times and adventure are sure to be ahead for Our Brave Heroes!


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