A couple of scenes with a Ninja and a Cavalier

Torvan and Nod have both apparently gotten into the grapes.  Mmmmm - grapes are delicious!  But when you eat to many of them you get the tummy rumbles and have to stay away from adventuring.

First, Our Duo heads to the docks to speak with Becktilda (the police officer in charge of patrolling the docks).  She tells Our Heroes that the team finally got its act together and dove into the sunken party ship - to find both gamblers and crew locked in, and the money and any papers taken.  The name of the boat appears to be The Lamia's Choice, and it was owned by Affiliated Gambling Incorporated, an outfit that appears to have only owned that one vessel, and whose address of record is an abandoned building in the Underbridge.

The next morning - Xanesha comes to visit!  She and Frogmouth have a conversation where Frogmouth rolls over right quick on The Party - but still gives Vig and Antwon time to get set up for an ambush!  Xanesha - still looking like Iesha - runs away and turns invisible.

That night Our Duo head over to The Seven's Sawmill, which is still running, late at night, unlike the other sawmills nearby.  Vig scales the building and looks through several windows, finding a burly half-elf working at a desk in an office, a large open space, and a storeroom - that is the room Our Ninja enters.  Creeping in he sneaks past the foreman, but then is spotted by some woodworkers.

It's probably not a death cult or anything.  Just some craftsmen and their overseer, burning the midnight oil.  Nothing strange here - why would you even assume they were cultists in service to the Skinsaw Man aspect of Norgorber?  That's just silly, and - if you continue to talk this way - can be considered libel.  Perhaps you should seek the advice of an attorney?  I cannot see this ending well for you.

Anyway - Vig vanishes down some stairs, but is pursued, so heads back upstairs and skedaddles through the office.  The foreman casts a spell and attempts to force Vig to halt, but Vig throws off it's influence.  He rifles quickly through the desk, finding only financial documents, until the foreman bursts in - Vig scampers out the window using his rope, just in time to be frozen by the foreman's spell.  Vig plummets to the ground near Antwon, and the foreman calls out to Antwon, inquiring as to his business.  Antwon refuses to give a firm answer, buying time for Vig to shake off the spell and grab his magical rope; Vig takes off with Antwon in hot pursuit, acting as if he were chasing Vig down.

I'm sure that many different people in positions of authority in commercial enterprises are spellcasters, you know.  Just because you've been trained in the arcane or the divine arts doesn't lock you into a certain career!  You should really be more careful in your assumptions - especially when they involve accusations of memberships in illegal and devious cults.

Vig and Antwon return to the Foxglove Townhouse and collect their friends - the next day Antwon secures a suite of rooms in a seedy but not-too-terrible part of Magnimar.  What will they get into next time?


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