An Addendum to adventures of Mr. Cavalier and Dr. Ninja


First off, my apologies.  Several elements of Our Heroes' recent adventures in Magnimar were left out of the previous chronicle.  I would hate for you to think that Your Humble Narrator was, in truth, Your Unreliable Humble Narrator!  So for full disclosure - someone on my staff spilled their mead on my scrying notes, and then they were dissolved in a pool of demonic ichor.  These things happen, you know?  It is unfortunate, but we carry on as best we can.


There are a few more notes from Our Dynamic Duo's adventures, thusly:

Vig hired a priest of Desna to cast Commune for him.  Vig got half of the questions, and the priest the others.  He discovered that Desna either did not know or was unwilling to tell him his true name, and confirmed that Auren Vrood killed Petros Lorrimor.  He was also informed that Nualia would be in the boneyard in a month - but was then cautioned by the Desnan priest that after Aroden's death, any prophecy was suspect, at best.  Finally, he found that Ironbriar was the leader of the Seven, underwriters of the deed to Foxglove Manor and owner of (among other things) the Seven's Sawmill.

The priest asked some questions, too.

Our Heroes met with Detective Tamar, who told them that Nualia and Tsuto had broken free from prison.  Yikes!  I'm sure that they have left for Riddleport or the Sodden Lands or somewhere, on a sort of honeymoon.  They certainly will not be recurring villains in Our Heroes' lives.

The party, then, has some concerns about lines of communications - specifically, between Magnimar and Sandpoint.  Did Sheriff Hemlock know, and 'forget' to inform Our Heroes?  Does Magnimar think so little of Sandpoint they didn't care to warn them that an evil priest, with the stated goal of destroying Sandpoint, was on the loose?  Hard questions, for sure.

Det. Tamar also asked The Party to investigate a couple of recent murders - attributed to the "Star Killer" (although that name was, as of yet, out of the press and only used internally by the Magnimar Police).  One of the bodies, in a wealthier district (up on top of the cliffs), had a five-pointed star carved in his chest.  Another body had a sihedron rune - that looked sliced, as if from a knife, and with no aroma de ghoul about the murder scene.

Oh, dear.  Perhaps we have three different killers?  That bodes most darkly.

The Party has another conversation with Judge Daramid - at her home, this time - and brings Frogmouth along.  Embreth seems to have some experience with Frogmouth's people, and says that the deed to Foxglove Manor seems more like a financial agreement than an ownership deed - she's not sure how such a thing would play out in the courts, or how an interested party might identify themselves as an organization such as the Brotherhood of the Seven.  Perhaps there is some incorporation legalese going on here?  She tells The Party she'll look into this - she has a team that's designed to do just such things.

Frogmouth the Faceless Stalker is sent down to explore the sunken ship and confirms that, yup - no treasure, lotsa rotting and half-eaten bodies.  Later, when asked, she said that her people's bodies were returned to the waters by her tribe's shaman; Vig burned them, instead, as a middle-finger up to Lamashtu.

Because when you're investigating serial killers, cults of Norgorber, corrupt Judges, and the killer of one of your mentors who wants to either become a lich, or turn the whole world undead - hey!  We should make sure to piss off the Goddess of Monsters along the way.

Antwon fills in his score card at this and nods slowly.  If they can get 'Regicide' or 'Hunted For A Crime They Did Not Commit' he'll have a Bingo on his Adventurers' score card!

Finally, Vig stirred up some trouble in several of the less reputable parts of Magnimar, overtly looking for necromantic components, and covertly attempting to contact organized crime in Magnimar - as well as perhaps gain some beans regarding Auren Vrood and the Whispering Way.

Antwon shrugs at this, since his Bingo card does not happen to include 'Shaking Up Organized Crime Operations'.

Whew!  Hopefully we are all caught up now.  I apologize if you had any sort of remorse or other bad feels at my oversight, and all that YHN can say is that Mistakes Were Made, and Lessons Were Learned.  Perhaps it is time for All of Us to Move Forward, and put this regrettable instance behind us.


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