Goodbye Sandpoint and Hello Magnimar!

An alternate title for this adventure is "Too Many Beans".

Our Heroes search the bodies of the ghouls, as Heroes are wont to do, and find two keys - one rusty and iron, one brass with some sort of crest on it (a strange flower surrounded by thorns).  Further searching finds a trap door in the floor of the barn, with a locked iron chest that opens to the rusty iron key, full of silver.  3500 silver!  It is both exciting and disappointing.

Then on to Magnimar!  The Party first checks in with Adivion Adrissant - their horses are stabled and a nice meal is procured, and then an awkward conversation is had:

"Well, yes, I am a member of the Whispering Way.  And Petros disagreed with my decision - 'Adivion', he said, 'When you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back at you - those who fight monsters are in danger of becoming monstrous themselves.'  But how else to keep track of them?"

Meanwhile, Torvan has snuck upstairs to check things out; he quickly checks through Our Heroes' host's bedchambers and finds nothing out of the ordinary or incriminating.

The Party seems willing to give Adivion the benefit of the doubt, and Kendra remains rather quiet throughout, so there we are.  Adivion tells the party of his contact with a group called the Pathfinders: ostensibly relic hunters, they act as an unofficial spy network, keeping tabs on many of the monstrous things in the world.  He meets with Sheila Heidmarch, under the guise of a love affair, to report his findings; that is his primary (and covert) reason for coming to Magnimar.

It is getting late, and the party sleeps in Adivion's house that night.  Where safer to rest than at the house of a powerful necromancer?  Very few places, I might argue, as long as one is on the good side of said necromancer, with the major fear that of becoming undead thralls to one's host.

The next day the party reviews their notes, and heads to the Magnimar University, to track down professor Montagnie Crowl for delivery of three books.  The University is under some construction, Dr. Crowl reveals that a few days prior the offices were broken into and a statue called the Sea Effigy was stolen; the work crew are performing repairs.

Aha!  thinks Our Heroes - this must be connected to the plague of ghouls encountered on the road!  But then, imagining a swamp adventure and all the perils, discomfort, and general ickiness of the swamps, The Party decides that perhaps this is not a lead for them after all.  Maybe for later, thinks Antwon, after all this Magnimar shit is cleared up.

The next stop is with Judge Embreth Daramid, who gets the fourth (locked) book, and in turn gives the party 500 platinum.  A considerable sum of money!  Justice Daramid chats with the party for a moment, and then looks thoughtful, and asks Kendra what she thinks about her 'guardians'.

"They're a bunch of ruffians and thieves, and I trust them with my life," Kendra replies.  Judge Daramid nods and grins, and agrees with her analysis.  "There is another Judge who, I am led to believe, is involved with the cult of Norgorber..."

She asks the party to investigate a Chemical Works owned by Judge Ironbriar, and report back to her if they find anything.  They are, of course, not to do anything illegal; she suggests combing through city hall tax and building records to find evidence of malfeasance.  Because Our Heroes, a team of ruffians and thieves, they'll probably be more successful than an established Judge and her team of researchers, in this way; of COURSE she is not suggesting anything illegal like breaking and entering.  She is a Judge, you know.

At the mention of researchers, The Party asks the Judge to research Harrowstone Prison, and Habe's Sanitorium.  The Judge seems to half-remember Harrowstone, and agrees to look into these places.

The next stop is shopping, and then back to Adivion's house for supper and sleep.  The party is still not converted into undead servants of House Adrissant!  I take this as a good sign - as should you.  Perhaps he is a GOOD necromancer?  Alignment is a tricky thing.

The next day's first stop is Sheila Heidmarch, co-founder (with her husband) of the Magnimar Pathfinders.  She confirms that Adivion feeds her information about the Whispering Way - not a secret society, as such, but more like a loosely affiliated bunch of Necromancers, whose goals are (a) to become liches, and (b) to release Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant, an ancient Lich who wants the entire world to become undead.  He is one of the three major threats to life on Golarion.  Releasing him seems like a bad idea?  But I am fortunately unaware of the inner mental workings of your common necromancer, so perhaps there is a deeper purpose that I remain blissfully ignorant of.

Sheila also tells the party that a serial killer is operating in Magnimar, who the police are calling the Star Killer (some knowing nods go between Our Heroes at this moniker!).  She says she'll send word to Detective Aramil Torne, who's looking into this case, and suggests Our Heroes meet with him to share information.

The next stop is Aldern Foxglove's townhouse, one of a row of townhouses in a wealthy Magnimar neighborhood.  It is an hour after sunset and the house appears dark; Torvan, Vig, and Shayliss sneak inside through a third-story window while Antwon and Kendra wait in the back alley.  A sweep-and-clear of the third floor finds it vacant; no sheets on the bed, and only linens in the closets.

A crack of light comes from under one of the second floor doors, which Torvan opens, to be confronted by a woman in nightclothes who says she's Iesha Foxglove, and demands to know what Torvan is doing in her house!  Torvan explains that he's friends with Aldern, which is met with suspicion from Iesha, but she agrees to go to Aldern and figure this out.

Aha!  This was all a ruse!  Torvan is stabbed in the back by 'Iesha', who shifts form into a faceless humanoid monster, holding a longsword bloodied with Torvan's vital fluids!  Two other Faceless Stalkers emerge from other rooms, and battle is joined; Torvan is wounded most cruelly but his boldness (aided by Vig and Shayliss) allow Antwon, Nelson, and Kendra to break the backdoor lock and drop two of the awful abominations.  The third flees the house, but Antwon and Vig track it down and subdue it while Kendra sees to Torvan's wounds.

The house is searched; it appears staged for sale; outside of the three rooms on the second floor - and a bit of a horror-show in the basement (where the monsters apparently fed on the blood of various animals) nothing is lived in, and the furnishings are more for show than for use.  Torvan finds a secret keyhole in the sitting room fireplace, however, and the key from before - referenced in the first paragraph of today's missive, if you are in need of a gentle reminder - fits and opens a wall safe of some sort.  Besides a sack of 200 platinum pieces, there is a stack of legal documents pertaining to the townhouse Our Heroes are currently ransacking, and a deed to Foxglove Manor, a stately house that overlooks the ocean, about halfway between Sandpoint and Magnimar.  The deed indicates that an organization called "The Brothers of the Seven" partially bankrolled construction, backed by The Sevens Sawmill in Magnimar; Foxglove Manor will revert to the Brothers of the Seven 17 years from now (January 6th, 4724 - it is currently mid-October, 4707).

There's also a ledger, which details Aldern's buisness expenses - primarily trips around Varisia, it seems.  The last three months, however, include entries labeled "Iesha's trip to Absalom", which Aldern was paying 200gp a week to "B-7" for.


The Faceless Stalker is brought back to consciousness and questioned, and revealed that his tribe in the Mushfens was contacted by someone named Xanesha, who Frogmouth (for that is this monster's name) was ordered to work for by the shaman of her tribe.  Xanesha ordered Frogmouth and her two tribemates to stay and watch this house, becoming Iesha, Aldern, or their butler; refusing entry to anyone who came by.  Xanesha is described as a woman from the waist up, and a snake below, and she would bring livestock every now and again for Frogmouth and co. to feed on every so often...

And at that we close curtains, once again, until the return of YHN and Our Heroes.


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