Lady's Light part 2
Past the Grey Maiden outpost Our Heroes find the teleporter and operate it as per the directions - and find themselves in a room with a handful of Lust Sinspawn. Lust Sinspawn look like this:
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Lust Spawn |
How sexy.
They wave our heroes through: "Sorshen's waiting for you. Go ahead." And The Party passes through - I mean, they have trustworthy faces, after all, and are probably not leading Our Heroes astray. They find their way into a ballroom, with a party in full swing! Dozens of masked men and women dressed in fine clothing dance to the music of a small orchestra, while many other people eat, drink, and chat to the side of the central dance floor. Just below the stage where the musicians sit, atop a ruby throne, is Sorshen herself! She rises from the throne as the party enters, claps her hands twice to silence the musicians, and says:
“Oh my sweet subjects,” she coos, her voice seductive and penetrating. “Now is the time for us to enjoy the succulent fruits of our labor. I give you license to indulge your appetites, every unexpressed libidinous impulse, for by such indulgences you honor me. Those who would interfere with this sacrament are like the blind chastising the sighted for looking with pleasure upon a rainbow. Why, some in our midst this very moment actively work against us—obstacles between us and the indulgence of our passions. Behold the cold and bloodless prudes who even now stand before us!”
Pointing at The Party as she does so, the revelers turn to Our Heroes with looks of anger and disgust. One looming man (who the party will soon identify as Karzoug, former Runelord of Greed) yells venemously, "The proper place for those without the Inner Fire is the grave! Come, let us drag them there!"
The Heroes soon realize that this is all an elaborate illusion. What is NOT an illusion are the crawling stone heads that leap from the top of the pillars in the room at Our Heroes - battle is joined! A Sinspawn sorcerer reveals themselves, flying invisibly and summoning demons, as well as the LustSpawn from the previous room - but battle goes how it generally does for Our Party.
A secret door is discovered, beyond which is Quenelle Page, the second in command of the local troop of Grey Maidens. She tries to order Antwon around - and is kind of a racist bitch, so she and her Maidens are quickly dealt with in the manner in which Our Party best deals with interpersonal conflict.
It is with violence, and with pain, and with death. How interpersonal conflict is handled by Our Heroes, I mean. I am sure by now, Gentle Reader, that is what you expected, but I wanted to make it excruciatingly obvious.
Beyond that room is a hall of statues, each purporting to be of a Runelord (identifying their names and associated sin). The Party has little trouble figuring out the puzzle involved, and teleports into a room with Orianna, the leader of the Grey Maidens here. She sits helmetless at a small table, considering her sword, and does not stand to greet Our Party.
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Orianna, Leader of the Grey Maidens in the Lady's Light |
She doesn't seem to be interested in fighting, but does ask Our Heroes what they're doing here. It soon comes out that she's very recently broken free of being magically ensorcelled by Sorshen, and is wondering if she has the courage to take her own life before Sorshen returns and re-charms her. The party assures her that they are there to destroy Sorshen - or rather, 'Sorshen', because she might not be what she seems; Orianna is marginally heartened by this, and agrees to show the party where 'Sorshen' is if she can be allowed to help slay 'Sorshen'.
And so a-teleporting Our Heroes go! They find Sorshen, or rather 'Sorshen', who is probably more accurately described as an Alu-Demon (or a succubus for the common term) named Ashamintallu. She dies screaming, and Orianna and the party gather loot, and then head out of the Light, gathering the Grey Maidens who are still alive and wondering what adventures will come next!
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